Be Not the Moon….

RohiniLove, Reflections, Uncategorized

We say the moon is so bright tonight. We should be saying the sun reflects beautifully off the moon tonight. The sun is the source of the moon’s light. Please tell the moon this, because it thinks it shines on its own. We as individuals think we shine on our own. And in our present predicament the individual has shrunk …

The Lovers and the Righteous….

RohiniLove, Reflections, Uncategorized

We all want peace. We all say that, and yet our actions show a different desire. Vengeance, retaliation, revenge—what a great dance. The dance of hate. I have more in common with my brothers and sisters of the Muslim faith who love than I do with my brothers and sisters of the Jewish, Christian, Hindu, or Buddhist faiths who hate. …

The Love Machine Part Two….

RohiniLove, Reflections, Uncategorized

How we resolve the love machine: The love machine only keeps running because we fuel and maintain it. We even make sure to fix it when it breaks down. Any time the machine breaks down, we are given an opening, a wonderful opportunity—but we don’t take advantage of it; we don’t recognize the experience of actual love, and we reject …

The Love Machine Part One….

RohiniLove, Reflections, Uncategorized

It’s all about recreating our childhood vibration, which we call love. We call it love (or safety, comfort, normalcy, etc.) because it is how the small self gets attention, and therefore power. For the small self, power is the surrogate for love. Intellectually we hate the vibration and look for “solutions”, but emotionally we crave it and keep looking to …

Twisted Love….

RohiniLove, Reflections, Uncategorized

Twisted love is still love. So everything is love in one form or another. The problem is, God is having to push through our ignorance. Manifestation is love; just twisted love; twisted because of us. If we give up our wrong understanding and let God be the doer, and we no longer believe we are the center of attention, then …

What Love Is….

RohiniLove, Reflections, Uncategorized

Love is our nature. There is no object for this Love. We live in Love when we KNOW that all is us and we experience no difference from anything. We are no longer separate: all is perfect, all is one, and we perform all actions. Everything comes from Love and is Love. Once we lose our wrong understanding, we know …

The light that enlivens….

RohiniLove, Reflections, Uncategorized

  The light that enlivens the subtle creative process is the same light that enlivens the shrunken, ignorant, delusive small self.  We have to choose–and we can choose–what we enliven.  Will and discernment are so important. Love enlivens everything, but because it passes through different vehicles until it reaches full manifestation, by the time it manifests fully it is twisted …