The minute you think you are in the Heart, you are not.
Today is Gurupurnima, the Guru’s Full Moon. Everyday I bow down in deep appreciation for my Guru, Swami Muktananda, and all that he gave and continues to give me. The Guru is said to not be a person, body or a personality, but manifests in a being that has purified himself/herself and has then become one with his Guru and …
We are attached….
We are attached and identified with the dirt on the mirror.
Supported/ Nurtured….
Supported / nurtured |
Neglected |
Smothered |
Free / independent |
Persecuted |
Free / taken care of |
Responsible |
Coddled |
You are not alone….
You are not alone, except when you hyperfocus or dissociate. Work to be conscious and present.
Tight / rigid |
Flexible |
Strong |
Weak / flaky |
Transparent |
Hidden |
Exposed |
Discreet |
Struggles |
Lets go |
Perseveres |
Lazy |
Disregard |
Pay attention |
Let be |
Intrude |