So much language these days is about change, transformation, on all levels and in all sectors of our lives. The law of change is always working, but in what direction are we going? That depends on what we are doing now. So nothing is static, though we may think it is because it moves so slowly. The transformation I desire …
Garden at Hidden Level
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My Second Morning Reflection….
My second morning reflection at Caux on 24 July 2012: I want to share an experience that I had many years ago. This contributed to directing me to where I am now. During the monsoon of 1977, one of my tasks as head of security was to make sure mangy dogs didn’t get into the ashram. I blocked the ashram …
Are you a warrior….
Are you are warrior for war or a warrior for peace?
My First Morning Reflection….
My first morning reflection at Caux on 11 July 2012: “Let it be plainly understood that we cannot return to God unless we enter first into ourselves. God is everywhere but not everywhere to us. There is but one point in the universe where God communicates with us, and that is the centre of our own soul. There He waits …
My expertise is not….
My expertise is not because of my body’s plumbing and orientation. It has come from many years of discipline, discernment, nonattachment and Grace. Someone earns the right to be called an expert by devoting many hours, days and years to their subject. Expertise does not come lightly. To think that anyone can take a workshop and then be an expert …
People in a….
People in a conversation can use the same words but not have the same meanings. Be careful: you may not be on the same page.