New Age affirmations will not….

RohiniPractice Points

New Age affirmations will not bring you true joy. Because they confuse the Absolute and the relative, they only promote a happy small self. Affirming the small self does not bring us closer to God.

Small self believes it….

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Small self believes it creates, sustains, and worships God. Small self believes God is contained in small self’s own limitless limitedness.

Each of us is so sure….

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Each of us is so sure that our small self sees the world the way it really is, and we all use reason to confirm our view. When the small self is sure, look out.

If something is very complicated….

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If something is very complicated, that does not mean it is deep or even intelligent. Beware of overdifferentiation. In the same way, if something is simple, that does not mean it is superficial. Watch out for what really matters. Deep is deep and superficial is superficial. It is that simple!