Getting to the One Real Voice….

RohiniPracticing, Reflections, Uncategorized

The One Real Voice: you mean when I get angry and scream and am sure of what I am saying? You mean my authentic voice, the voice when I do not question what I am saying because I “know”? No. The voice I am speaking of is the one when we reflect and see the whole before we open our mouths. This is the voice that can sound angry, sad, quiet, loud, happy or whatever is appropriate for the moment. The expression is not the giveaway. Confidence, sincerity and volume do not make the voice real. Clarity, purity and discernment are elements of the Real voice.

How do we get to this voice? Definitely not by going outward and projecting. Only by turning into the Heart, by boring deeper and deeper until we rest in the Heart, will we speak with this voice. Why do we even want this voice? So we can be and express who we are. Otherwise we are enmeshed in the life of our small self and can never find fulfillment.

The Heart is the only place where we experience the real fullness of anything. The small self is diminished, so it experiences life in a diminished way. Only the true Self can experience the fullness of life. Why practice? Because we want to be alive. We are all moving home whether we know it or not, whether we think we want to or not. Our true nature is Love, and we all just want to be ourselves.  But there is only one way to do that.

Click on the link below to listen to the talk.

Getting to the One Real Voice

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