We Have to Crack….

RohiniPracticing, Reflections, Uncategorized

Whether we like it or not, in order to go to God we have to crack. What has to crack? We do. Who is we? Not who we are, but who we think we are. Why crack? Because the only way we are going to get to who we really are is to shatter our wrong understanding. The greatest delusion …

What Love Is….

RohiniLove, Reflections, Uncategorized

Love is our nature. There is no object for this Love. We live in Love when we KNOW that all is us and we experience no difference from anything. We are no longer separate: all is perfect, all is one, and we perform all actions. Everything comes from Love and is Love. Once we lose our wrong understanding, we know …


RohiniGuru and Disciple, Reflections, Uncategorized

If you are self-taught, you do not know what you do not know. The only dialogue is between you and you, which means that you believe you can dictate your position in any environment. You are unwilling to be educated. This leaves you with two options:  either you are always right, or at the very least the most knowledgeable, or …


RohiniPracticing, Reflections, Uncategorized

Risk is no risk when you are an expert. How many times have we watched someone with great skill and believe that they are doing the impossible, when in fact they themselves feel it is no big deal? Yet when we are ignorant and act without skill, we are the ones risking. It is really dangerous, and it is out …


RohiniMaps and Principles, Reflections, Uncategorized

There’s so much talk about Grace. Born again, Pentecost, Yoga, New Age, from every corner we hear this word used. What is Grace? For me, Grace is knowing who I really am. Knowing through Being is what Grace gives us. Many people believe that Grace is having the bells and whistles; the lights, sounds, feelings, smells, and even tastes that …

The light that enlivens….

RohiniLove, Reflections, Uncategorized

  The light that enlivens the subtle creative process is the same light that enlivens the shrunken, ignorant, delusive small self.  We have to choose–and we can choose–what we enliven.  Will and discernment are so important. Love enlivens everything, but because it passes through different vehicles until it reaches full manifestation, by the time it manifests fully it is twisted …

Characteristics of Mysticism….

RohiniMaps and Principles, Reflections, Uncategorized

From Mysticism, by Evelyn Underhill: 1.  True mysticism is active and practical, not passive and theoretical.  It is an organic life-process, a somthing which the whole self does; not something as to which its intellect holds an opinion. 2.  Its aims are wholly transcendental and spiritual.  It is  in no way concerned with adding to, exploring, re-arranging, or improving anything …

Remorse and Compassion


Rohini discusses the difference between real remorse and self-loathing. For more videos and lessons, sign up for a free or paid subscription.

Clarity of goals and definitions….

RohiniMaps and Principles, Reflections, Uncategorized

When we start a conversation we tend to look for common ground. This might be language, activities or anything that we feel will bridge us to the other person. In our desire to connect, we may miss what is actually going on. If what we share is a common language, then we need to check our definitions. Assuming shared definitions …