The Love Machine Part One….

RohiniLove, Reflections, Uncategorized

It’s all about recreating our childhood vibration, which we call love. We call it love (or safety, comfort, normalcy, etc.) because it is how the small self gets attention, and therefore power. For the small self, power is the surrogate for love. Intellectually we hate the vibration and look for “solutions”, but emotionally we crave it and keep looking to …

Practicing for the Right Reasons….

RohiniPracticing, Reflections, Uncategorized

Are you practicing? No one has to know except you. Practice is done inside of you. What does it mean to practice? Being in the Heart. Staying in the Heart. Not straying. What do you do when going into the Heart is painful? You face the pain and burn it up. How do you burn up the pain? You burn …

The False Idol of Self-esteem….

RohiniReflections, Stories and Occasions, Uncategorized

Being strong-willed is not being willful, and freedom is not getting to do whatever you want. Our first lessons in these realities come from our first caregivers. These people demonstrate and reflect for us how to live. They both model and teach. Good leadership is like good parenting. Both embody and encourage behavior that is healthy for everyone involved. This …

Accepting Our Own Evil….

RohiniPower and Hate, Reflections, Uncategorized

From the standpoint of worldly existence, my vocation looks rather difficult to understand and even boring. My job is to guide people Home. My vocation is to be Home. Home is the Heart, where we meet God. In order to go there, we have to leave all our attachments behind. Among other things, we have to go through all our …

The Meaning of Stewardship….

RohiniMaps and Principles, Reflections, Uncategorized

In church, I used to hear the word “stewardship” thrown around: “We need to be good stewards”. For most people, that did and does mean “give money”. The real sense of stewardship is to take responsibility for the care of something. So if we are stewards of something, then it is our job to make sure all is right with …

The Terrorist Within….

RohiniPower and Hate, Reflections, Uncategorized

The purpose of terrorism is to cause fear in people’s hearts and bring them to a place where they feel completely unsafe. Once a person, group or country is in this condition, they can be manipulated and overpowered. The sowers of discord then have control. Terrorists isolate their prey, destroy what is of value and attack at a basic level …

Sadhana Is Uncomfortable….

RohiniPracticing, Reflections, Uncategorized

We have been looking at how we repackage things to suit our small selves, and seeing that it is so sad. If we do not restrain our small selves, we only repackage. Repackaging is just another word for twisted love. We are unwilling to love openly and honestly, so we twist and repackage and then present that to the world. …

Stop Repackaging the Practice….

RohiniPracticing, Reflections, Uncategorized

Be with your experience. This does not mean “in it”. This means “let it happen”. Always did. When I first wrote down the practice Baba taught me in A Spiritual Survival Kit, it was 1992. The truth is the truth and it has not changed. Be with your experience, whatever it is. This is so important. We are not to …

Are You Sharing or Reporting?….

RohiniPracticing, Reflections, Uncategorized

On a plane heading toward Florida. Reporting  or sharing? Just a fact. Do you need to know? Not really. What you need to know is there is a person in the seat in front of me that has not stopped talking for over an hour. She is reporting as if it really mattered and anyone would like to listen.  The …

I Lost My Patience….

RohiniReflections, Stories and Occasions, Uncategorized

In Orkney I cried, I laughed, and I finally gave up my attachment to patience. Thank God. I had been driven to travel to Orkney for the last two years, and on July 27th I finally arrived, not knowing what would happen or how, but knowing this was an important time. The quiet was amazing as well as the landscape. …