It is 1:45 and we have been queued since noon with still another hour ahead. We are waiting for the opportunity to vote early. There are hundreds of us, all waiting to vote. When we got here we thought the line wasn’t too long to get into the building, so we waited an hour and a half. But when we …
Sometimes I….
Sometimes I come out swinging. And you know, sometimes swinging is appropriate. Ranting about practice is the usual way I swing. So I am including the clip Ray isolated out a few years ago where I encouraged everyone not to listen to anything. The two sides of a dichotomy have a conversation on a regular basis. What’s wrong? Nothing, if …
The light that enlivens….
The light that enlivens the subtle creative process is the same light that enlivens the shrunken, ignorant, delusive small self. We have to choose–and we can choose–what we enliven. Will and discernment are so important. Love enlivens everything, but because it passes through different vehicles until it reaches full manifestation, by the time it manifests fully it is twisted …
Getting to the One Real Voice….
The One Real Voice: you mean when I get angry and scream and am sure of what I am saying? You mean my authentic voice, the voice when I do not question what I am saying because I “know”? No. The voice I am speaking of is the one when we reflect and see the whole before we open our …
What does it really mean to own something?….
What does it really mean to own something? Are you thinking and reasoning or allowing yourself to be with your experience? Dissociating does not mean you are neutral. It is not rational. Do not intellectualize your experience. The Vijnanabhairava tells us we have to go back to the source. When we go toward the source we will experience Love and …
Love and worship….
Love and worship. People so confuse the two. I love you, I worship you: very different. Many people are looking for someone who will worship them. That means they are looking for someone to objectify them. Love is not based on subject and object; worship is. In worship—and by worship I mean idealizing an object, not practicing sacred ritual—there is …
Characteristics of Mysticism….
From Mysticism, by Evelyn Underhill: 1. True mysticism is active and practical, not passive and theoretical. It is an organic life-process, a somthing which the whole self does; not something as to which its intellect holds an opinion. 2. Its aims are wholly transcendental and spiritual. It is in no way concerned with adding to, exploring, re-arranging, or improving anything …
Clarity of goals and definitions….
When we start a conversation we tend to look for common ground. This might be language, activities or anything that we feel will bridge us to the other person. In our desire to connect, we may miss what is actually going on. If what we share is a common language, then we need to check our definitions. Assuming shared definitions …
Warriors for peace and warriors for war….
It hit me that Tolstoy had it right: War and Peace. We are organized into two teams: warriors for war and warriors for peace. We are playing a big game. There are times when more players are on the warriors for war side and times when the warriors for peace are winning. As long as we remain separate from God …
Everyone uses a system, whether consciously or not. Our family culture is a system of sorts, with jargon, rules, behaviors, judgements, and mannerisms both overt and covert. This being the case, when we meet someone new we unwittingly compare our system to theirs. We may not even be aware of it, but we are in fact assessing others based on …