The Real War To Be Fought, Part One….

RohiniPracticing, Reflections, Uncategorized

Be with your experience. Let everything that comes up from that experience come up. Function appropriately on the physical plane. Seems so simple, yet it is so difficult to practice. Simple, but not easy. This is the war to be fought. Every worthy religious and even martial tradition speaks of this war. But because of our wrong vision and understanding, …

The Great Stories….

RohiniReflections, Stories and Occasions, Uncategorized

It isn’t that we don’t know the stories. But the important thing is that the great stories are always teaching us. There are many great stories. Within them, at every moment, the great beings choose to live completely—not to settle for a mediocre, unconscious life that depends on emotion for its heights. The stories teach us the great lessons of …

We Are Not as Good as We Think….

RohiniPracticing, Reflections, Uncategorized

We cannot go forward without first bringing down our small self. What is the small self? Simply, it is who we think we are. It is not who we are. The small self is just a set of ideas, but we then believe those ideas are who we are. Our true Self actually enlivens these ideas, but our small selves …