If whatever God does He does for good, then be thankful for what you have.
Festive Grinch Oblivious Realistic
Believing in Baba….
Let’s get this out on the table. There are people who received tremendous gifts from Baba, but once the “sex scandal” came out they left. These people say they cannot come to grips with what he did. What did he do? That is the question. Did he have sex? Apparently not: no one I know of has said he did …
Loyal Disloyal Blind/Gullible Discerning
I’m All for Nondualism….
We have to die. Who has to die? The one that never existed. This seems unclear, but from the standpoint of the Self it totally makes sense. As long as the small self believes it exists, we are living a dualistic life, separate from God. Nondualism does not occur except in philosophy and theology class until we actually remove our …
Neglectful Attentive Respects space …
We practice by….
We practice by disentangling from prakrti, only to find that the one who has been practicing is also prakrti and must in the end be let go of. The Heart is the cave, that still, luminously dark cave where All is.
Practicing for the Right Reasons….
Are you practicing? No one has to know except you. Practice is done inside of you. What does it mean to practice? Being in the Heart. Staying in the Heart. Not straying. What do you do when going into the Heart is painful? You face the pain and burn it up. How do you burn up the pain? You burn …
Are you surrendering….
Are you surrendering to God in the truest sense, or are you surrendering to a nice idea you have manufactured and cultivated?
Pathetic Alive/Lively Nice …