Magic is Illusion. The Goal is Magic. Therefore the Goal is Illusion. Unfortunately and unknowingly, many people seeking “the Path” are following the above logic. The promise of power, wealth and supersensuous abilities entice people to pursue what is called spiritual practice but is really just magic. In just two weekends, you will be a master of this or that; …
I Can’t Accept That….
Acceptance is a word that is used quite a bit in spiritual venues. The problem is that we are to only accept, affirm, receive, welcome, take in the “loving”, the good. The loving and good are not defined universally; though we believe we are all in agreement, these words are defined differently by each of us. To proceed down the …
Using the Foursquare Game to Get to Love….
These last few weeks in class we have been working on a new foursquare that has been a little different. This is the vibration of what we have called love. When we were very little and saw our caregivers, we “knew” they loved each other and us. We took the vibration they had to be love; that is what we …
Leaving the Fall….
Every spiritual tradition values what is known in Sanskrit as sahaj samādhi, or walking bliss: being in the Heart and being with the world simultaneously. The problem is that we make this state of being into a lovely ideal or a distant place that we could never attain. In fact, walking bliss is available to each of us. The real …
Don’t Waste Time….
Why do we waste our time with people, things, objects, etc. that only engage the small self? So we may keep our false identity. We will use anything to maintain our sense of self. So anything that can keep us distracted, away from God, away from our true Self, we will pursue. How sad that we are so attached to …
People Who Hide Behind Voicelessness….
How many of us believe we have no agency, no voice? Now that is an ego that needs to crack. If we have no voice, then we have no responsibility for anything. Often, people keep their mouths shut so they never have to change their minds. They avoid, and because they tell themselves they have no agency they can hide …
We Have to Crack….
Whether we like it or not, in order to go to God we have to crack. What has to crack? We do. Who is we? Not who we are, but who we think we are. Why crack? Because the only way we are going to get to who we really are is to shatter our wrong understanding. The greatest delusion …
What Love Is….
Love is our nature. There is no object for this Love. We live in Love when we KNOW that all is us and we experience no difference from anything. We are no longer separate: all is perfect, all is one, and we perform all actions. Everything comes from Love and is Love. Once we lose our wrong understanding, we know …
The Holidays….
The Holidays. This time of year in the West we find a focus on one or two particular holidays, Christmas and New Year’s. However, throughout the world holidays are always arriving and subsiding. If we look at most major holidays, they have their roots in religion, in the focus on God. And yet the secular side of life has taken …
The Crisis behind the Crisis….
This is not about guns, though guns do make killing easier. These were six and seven year olds. Guns were not necessary. Small children are not a threat, and in no way can they fight back. This is about our attachment to violence and our idolatry of the individual. Instead of seeing that we all share in one life, we …