Act in Stillness….

RohiniPracticing, Reflections, Uncategorized

We speak so many words, and then how much do we practice them? When I say practice, I do not mean “trying”; I mean actually “being “ them. Yoga Sutras II.18 says Prakrti (Nature, material) exists for the experience and liberation of the Seer. The Seen exists for the sake of the Seer. Experience and liberation are then knowables. When liberated, the Seer has no need of gunas; all vibration (experience) is stilled.

So what are we doing here? This is a game God plays with God. It is not worth it to fight God. God wants you to win. So stop the fight. We are not here to fight God. God wants us to be happy, to be who we really are. Isn’t that what we want? Or is it? That depends on who we think we are. If we believe we are the series of thought constructs that are constantly being expressed, then we will be fighting God all the time. We will not want to be in harmony with God.

We may ask who is God anyway? God is not any idea that comes into our mind. God is, period. Everything is within God. There is nothing that is not God. “So if that is the case, then why should I change? All is God, even the me that is not me”. Fine, do not change; you are no different than a gnat. You are then just blowing in the wind with no awareness, bumping into objects that bring pleasure or pain. You have no control over your universe because you do not know where you actually live.

We reside in the Heart. That is where God intersects with us. Is God in my big toe? Will I meet God there? No. In the Heart. Our job is to disentangle out of our vehicles and return to the Heart, which is where we started. We are to return to the stillness of knowing who we are. From there we then enliven our vehicles while remaining anchored in the Heart. We need to be still.

“But I need to pay my bills and do my job.” No one said not to. We are all to do our mundane tasks, our obligatory actions. Do those tasks, all activity and stay in the Heart. This is not about being still in the laboratory and then leaving to go back to normal. This is not about the body being still and then active. This is not about the mind being still and then active. This is not about being in the Heart one moment and then in the head the next, being in the Heart one moment and doing actions the next. This is not one and then the other. This is about both at the same time.

We are to live in the world perceiving the unity in diversity always. We are to be in the Heart all the time not just at moments, glimpses, or in times of crisis. All moments reveal the unity as well as the diversity. Every moment, every second, and when we forget we should then remember and turn back immediately. We are not to wait for a “good” time to practice. All times, all places are good times to practice.We are to focus in to the Heart and be aware of the outside at all times. When we rest in the Heart and look out from there, we have right effort.

If when we meditate with eyes shut we are focusing out, we are promoting a focused mind and the acquisition of power. Then when we open our eyes we are focused intently on the physical and we can easily become seducers or be seduced.

Meditation practiced with eyes closed focusing in toward the Heart brings us to calm and promotes surrender—surrender of what is not real. So that when we open our eyes we are still connected to the stillness and we can function appropriately with a sense of detachment rather than dissociation.

Practicing correctly and continually brings us to live in stillness with God even while we perform our daily activities. There is no outside activity that cannot be performed while we are resting in the Heart; that means all activities can be performed while being still in the Heart. This is about choice not about whether it is possible. If we choose to turn in, yes, for a time it will be difficult, but God wants us to win. God wants us to be in harmony with God while we act in the world.







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