There is a big difference between doing drugs, basking in śakti, and spiritual practice. That should be obvious, but it’s not. With drugs there is no self-effort, and the result is a counterfeit experience. We are continuing the small self’s delusion; we are on the grid. If we are lucky, we wake up where we started and have a great …
Recently I heard that someone who once studied with me had to be “deprogrammed” because he had a hard time understanding why he stopped studying. I do not know if this information is even true. It is not my bent to go on hearsay, but I want to address the topic of deprogramming because over the years it has come …
No Escaping Teachers….
When I was a little girl, my friends and I would play “school”. One of us would be the teacher and the others would play the students. We would switch roles so everyone got a chance to be the teacher. A fun game: everyone playing all the parts, and no one feeling less than or better than. Ah, the Lords’ …
We Are Always Choosing….
We are always choosing. And by thinking we are not choosing, we are in fact choosing—choosing God or not, Love or not. By our very distractedness we are choosing. And if we occasionally think we choose God, we are fooling ourselves, just as when we exercise for ten minutes very intensely once a week, we can fool ourselves that we …
Baba was incredibly patient. Over and over again he addressed an issue from every possible angle for the sake of the disciple. He was always changing and adjusting his approach, so that the student could grasp what he needed to understand. By his very being Baba modeled that patience is not putting up with what should not be tolerated. For …
Hummingbird Community….
We couldn’t just have one hummingbird. Elvis in his quiet imperial stance was not enough. We wanted more Elvises. The Guru grants what the Heart desires. We now have seven hummingbirds dancing off and on the deck, causing mischief and chaos. Going out on the deck in the summer morning light and coolness to have a quiet breakfast has been …
Love Is Off the Grid….
Until we have experienced our true Self and indisputably know we are not our small self, we do not have an opportunity to embody real Love. Even then we will have to be vigilant not to “forget” and return to our “normal” life. Knowing the difference between who we are and the small self allows us to choose; we can …
Guru Pūrnimā….
The Guru’s moon. While Baba was in his body, Guru Pūrnimā, the full moon in July, was celebrated with thousands of people paying their respects to Baba. At this time of year, Ganeshpuri experiences the monsoon. We would hear the rain coming and run under the overhangs on the buildings. The weather may have been brutal, but it did not …
The Power of Woundedness….
We are becoming a world of wounded people. In the United States alone, there is an entire complex of industries, helping professions, and self-help promoters that profit from encouraging us to identify with woundedness. The words “health” and “wholeness” are thrown around, but the actual focus is on woundedness. This “healing” industry preserves our wounds; it feeds off our wounds …
Power Hungry, Powerful….
When the motivation is Love with no twists and turns, then everyone is Loved. Then every action is for everyone’s good. When we can tell the difference between Love and power, we can see that the Guru actually wants us not just to love, but to be Love. But as long as we are attached to and identified with the …