The Manchurian Candidate Student….

RohiniGuru and Disciple, Reflections, Uncategorized

Some people do not have the capacity to see me. They decide me. So they never know me; they only know what they project on me. The picture they project depends on what they bring to the table unconsciously. And sometimes, I can’t even recognize myself in their projections. These people already have a guru—their early guru. They are committed …

Journey of the Practitioner….

RohiniMaps and Principles, Reflections, Uncategorized

What is a practitioner? In many cases, academics, theologians, and intellectuals believe their expertise is the highest level—they assume they rank above practitioners. In truth, mystics are the practitioners of spirituality. According to Evelyn Underhill, what idealists and theorists can only speak of, practitioners live: In Idealism we have perhaps the most sublime theory of Being which has ever been …

Tools To Still….

RohiniPracticing, Reflections, Uncategorized

No matter what the tradition, the goal of spiritual practice remains the same. It follows that every spiritual tradition draws from the same essential tools for practice. Teachers within a given lineage expand and refine its toolkit as time goes on. Below is a list of some tools from the kit I was given by Baba. If practiced appropriately, with …

Subjectivity Is the Wedge….

RohiniPracticing, Reflections, Uncategorized

Subjectivity is the wedge we must use to get rid of the wedge of subjectivity. By subjectivity I mean “subject” in the grammatical sense. We have to accept our agency as the individual subject in order to let go of our limited subjectivity and get to the Absolute Subjectivity of God. We need agency to move from dualism to nondualism. …

The Real War To Be Fought, Part One….

RohiniPracticing, Reflections, Uncategorized

Be with your experience. Let everything that comes up from that experience come up. Function appropriately on the physical plane. Seems so simple, yet it is so difficult to practice. Simple, but not easy. This is the war to be fought. Every worthy religious and even martial tradition speaks of this war. But because of our wrong vision and understanding, …