Honoring Baba with the Guru’s Words….

RohiniGuru and Disciple, Reflections, Uncategorized

There is no better expression of gratitude than to live the Guru’s words. Muktananda says: The world is an extraordinary drama. The Shiva Sutras say, nartaka ātmā—“The Self is an actor.” The world is God’s theater, God’s play, and the sport God has created for His own pleasure. A person who understands this understands everything. For him there is no room …

Subjectivity Is the Wedge….

RohiniPracticing, Reflections, Uncategorized

Subjectivity is the wedge we must use to get rid of the wedge of subjectivity. By subjectivity I mean “subject” in the grammatical sense. We have to accept our agency as the individual subject in order to let go of our limited subjectivity and get to the Absolute Subjectivity of God. We need agency to move from dualism to nondualism. …