If you only practice when things are bad, then you’re really only about pleasure and pain, and you’re not really practicing.
You can’t know who you are until….
You can’t know who you are until you are who you are.
Spiritual Practice is not….
Spiritual Practice is not a laboratory science. Integrate it into every fiber of your life. There is no place where God is not.
Our job is to….
Our job is to resolve our trauma, not numb it.
Rigid is….
Rigid is not perfect.
The small self sees and believes….
The small self sees and believes that power and control are love, though it will rarely admit this. From this vantage point love then is never satisfying. There is never enough. And the truth is the small self never gets love; it only gets power and control. So we play act and are lost in the human condition. Only when …
Vague/Clear Confused/Rude….
Vague/Clear Confused/Rude We think we are being polite when we are vague, but the truth is we are actually confusing the situation and will end up being rude. Own, master, transcend all four qualities; then freedom to be appropriate and serve life appropriately.
We tend to want to be….
We tend to want to be our character instead of building character.
Jealousy is so unnecessary….
Jealousy is so unnecessary. We all get exactly what we deserve. Be glad for yourself and others.
You can practice anywhere….
You can practice anywhere. There are no props required so no one has to even know. You just bore into your Heart and carry on with your day.