Watching and Waiting….

RohiniReflections, Stories and Occasions, Uncategorized

Is God everywhere or only where we want Him to be? Our flight back to Baltimore was supposed to leave at 4:30, getting us back to Baltimore by 7:30. Here it is 7:00, and we have not moved other than from gate B1 to gate B9. We have been texted that the flight was leaving at 7:40 then 6:30 then …

What Unity Means….

RohiniReflections, Stories and Occasions, Uncategorized

We are all the philosophies and all the religions. We are all Muslim. We are all Sunni. We are all Shia. We are all Christian. We are all Orthodox Christian. We are all Roman Catholic. Baptist. Methodist. Episcopal. Presbyterian. Lutheran. Congregationalist. Unitarian. Mormon. Adventist. We are all Jews. Reformed. Conservative. Reconstructionist. Orthodox. Hasidic. We are all Taoist. We are all …

Skipping the First Step….

RohiniPracticing, Reflections, Uncategorized

Everything and everyone is perfect. If we are to use this belief as fact, which is what is implied by the people out there saying, “You are perfect just the way you are”, then we need to be consistent. The murderer is perfect. The cruel person is perfect. It is all perfect. Everything is perfect. But usually these shouters of …