Clues in the Treasure Hunt….

RohiniPracticing, Reflections, Uncategorized

Walking the path of spiritual practice is like a treasure hunt. Each clue will lead us down the path closer to the goal. The problem is, will we see the clues? Will we discern the clues properly? And finally will we follow the clues? Clues on this treasure hunt are always showing up. God does not want us to lose. …

Constancy in Practice….

RohiniPracticing, Reflections, Uncategorized

Spiritual practice is not a crisis intervention to use only when we are in trouble. It is to bring us to peace not only for a moment but for all time.  So we practice and get to a state of peace and then we go about the business of life. When we walk into the world somehow we lose this …

How Spiritual Practice Unfolds….

RohiniPracticing, Reflections, Uncategorized

All is misery. This is because of the kleshas, the afflictions spoken of in the Yoga Sutras. Our ignorance of who we are is what causes our misery. There is always a sense of missing something, of not being true, of not feeling fulfilled or experiencing Love. We can have moments and then say we are fulfilled in our work …

We are our own worst victim…..

RohiniPracticing, Reflections, Uncategorized

It is not my fault. It is your fault. This view works for me. The only time this does not “work” is when both of us claim the role of victim. Then we have a competition. When this happens we can have a standoff for hours or even days. We are committed to our small self as a victim, and …

We Are Not as Good as We Think….

RohiniPracticing, Reflections, Uncategorized

We cannot go forward without first bringing down our small self. What is the small self? Simply, it is who we think we are. It is not who we are. The small self is just a set of ideas, but we then believe those ideas are who we are. Our true Self actually enlivens these ideas, but our small selves …

Ramesh Pattni on “Walking Home with Baba”….

Rohini"Walking Home with Baba", Photos, News & Events, Stories and Occasions, Uncategorized

When I heard that Rohini Ralby had written a book about her spiritual journey, I was immediately interested.  I became even more engaged when I learnt about her commentary on Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, as I was then working on my dissertation on the same subject.  Rohini’s husband generously handed me Rohini’s book, which I went on to read with resonances …

Magic is Illusion….

RohiniMaps and Principles, Reflections, Uncategorized

Magic is Illusion. The Goal is Magic. Therefore the Goal is Illusion. Unfortunately and unknowingly, many people seeking “the Path” are following the above logic. The promise of power, wealth and supersensuous abilities entice people to pursue what is called spiritual practice but is really just magic. In just two weekends, you will be a master of this or that; …

Using the Foursquare Game to Get to Love….

Rohini"Walking Home with Baba", Fourchotomy, Practicing, Reflections, Uncategorized

These last few weeks in class we have been working on a new foursquare that has been a little different. This is the vibration of what we have called love. When we were very little and saw our caregivers, we “knew” they loved each other and us. We took the vibration they had to be love; that is what we …