
RohiniFourchotomy, Uncategorized

Obstinate                                                 Receptive   Principled                                                 Impressionable

Stop Repackaging the Practice….

RohiniPracticing, Reflections, Uncategorized

Be with your experience. This does not mean “in it”. This means “let it happen”. Always did. When I first wrote down the practice Baba taught me in A Spiritual Survival Kit, it was 1992. The truth is the truth and it has not changed. Be with your experience, whatever it is. This is so important. We are not to …


RohiniFourchotomy, Uncategorized

Guilty                                                                          Okay     Aware                                       …

Are You Sharing or Reporting?….

RohiniPracticing, Reflections, Uncategorized

On a plane heading toward Florida. Reporting  or sharing? Just a fact. Do you need to know? Not really. What you need to know is there is a person in the seat in front of me that has not stopped talking for over an hour. She is reporting as if it really mattered and anyone would like to listen.  The …


RohiniFourchotomy, Uncategorized

Patient                                              Intolerant     Enabling                                           Truthful

I Lost My Patience….

RohiniReflections, Stories and Occasions, Uncategorized

In Orkney I cried, I laughed, and I finally gave up my attachment to patience. Thank God. I had been driven to travel to Orkney for the last two years, and on July 27th I finally arrived, not knowing what would happen or how, but knowing this was an important time. The quiet was amazing as well as the landscape. …

Patient saint….

RohiniFourchotomy, Uncategorized

Patient saint                                                              Mean tyrant/teacher     Suffering servant                                             …