The Buck Stops Here….

RohiniFourchotomy, Reflections, Stories and Occasions, Uncategorized

There is a hidden joke in the title of this blog. I approach the protection of my garden in very much the way Baba taught me to handle security in the Ganeshpuri Ashram. In Ganeshpuri there were walls with broken glass on the top. Intruders came in through the drainpipes or the front gates. After we put screens over the …

Proudly Inert….

RohiniFourchotomy, Uncategorized

Proudly inert                                                              Consciously growing   Grounded/Down to Earth                                             …

Accepting Our Own Evil….

RohiniPower and Hate, Reflections, Uncategorized

From the standpoint of worldly existence, my vocation looks rather difficult to understand and even boring. My job is to guide people Home. My vocation is to be Home. Home is the Heart, where we meet God. In order to go there, we have to leave all our attachments behind. Among other things, we have to go through all our …

If you have no core….

RohiniPractice Points, Uncategorized

If you have no core, then you “live in the moment” in a destructive way. You have no memory. You believe that everything you do, feel, or say at any moment is equally valid and cancels out all contradictions. You rewrite the narrative at will. And you do injury, to yourself and others.

Poor Pathetic Little Child….

RohiniFourchotomy, Uncategorized

Poor pathetic little child                              Strong successful adult person   “Loving”/sensitive/caring                            Cold and heartless    

The Meaning of Stewardship….

RohiniMaps and Principles, Reflections, Uncategorized

In church, I used to hear the word “stewardship” thrown around: “We need to be good stewards”. For most people, that did and does mean “give money”. The real sense of stewardship is to take responsibility for the care of something. So if we are stewards of something, then it is our job to make sure all is right with …


RohiniFourchotomy, Uncategorized

Adorable                                                    Ugly     Seducer                                                      Authentic

When Are We Responsible?….

RohiniPracticing, Reflections, Uncategorized

What would happen if God decided He wanted to no longer be responsible? What would happen if God decided He wanted to be selfish instead of Selfish? Who would He be? He would be us. That is how we got here; did you forget? For God to not be responsible He has to limit Himself and pretend nothing He does …