Grumpy Cheerful Honest …
There is so much relief….
There is so much relief when we surrender to reality and Reality.
The Ease of Spiritual Practice….
Working to redirect to the true center is not easy; sometimes it can be extremely difficult. Somewhere in popular discourse, “ease” became a word that sat next to “spirituality”. Nothing could be further from the truth. First of all, the question needs to be “easy” for whom? If “spirituality” is a lifestyle driven by concepts and ideals, then “our small …
Strategic Haphazard Out of Touch …
Our surety lasts….
Our surety lasts until we hit the rock of reality and hurt like hell, and we lose our “sweetness” and “spirituality” completely.
Redirecting Our Resolutions.…
As we approach the New Year our tendency is to look forward with hopeful, positive thoughts. We smooth out the past and move into the future with a smile and a raised glass. The world will be better, we will do better, we will care and love more. And every year we approach this time with this same ritual. There …
Redirect your attention….
Redirect your attention to the Center of your soul, not to the center of an idea.
Positive Negative Out of touch …
Happy Holidays….
At this time when we celebrate two important Jews—Judah Maccabee and Jesus, the Christ—let us receive what each of them offers the world. Though I prefer to think of him as Scottish, Judah Maccabee campaigned bravely and sagaciously to regain and restore the temple in Jerusalem. Jesus also came to restore, but for him the goal was to restore the …
Believing in Baba….
Rohini speaks and answers questions about Swami Muktananda. For more videos and lessons, sign up for a free or paid subscription.