o man wake up the sages say i am awake i say go in go in the sages say i am in i think i am i say the sages turn their heads away unkind they are i say wake up wake up they say again can’t they see i am awake i say the truth is concealed the sages …
When is a cold just a cold? And when is a cold something greater, purification? It is true that sometimes a cold is just a cold. Right now I am in the middle of something more than just a cold. How do I know? On the physical plane we pretty much know where the virus came from. No mystery, no …
Able to Learn….
When my sons were young, I would ask, “Did you work to the best of your ability? Did you give it your all? Left nothing on the field?” Everyone’s 100% is different, and it also varies from time to time. When we work to our highest level at a given moment, we can feel a satisfaction that we accomplished our …
Spiritual Illiteracy….
If we can read something like this blog, we are what most people would call literate. When we look at literacy, we usually think of reading, language, letters, and being able to make sense of the words those letters form. Most of us went to school, and one of the reasons for that was to learn how to read. Illiterate …
What Makes Us Human?….
What makes us human is a level of consciousness that goes beyond the five senses and a basic striving, a basic will to live. What makes us human is a degree of consciousness that allows us to perceive, to desire, to will, and to be transformed into Love on a universal level. What makes us human is Love. Love in …
Taking Full Responsibility….
Yes, I did that. Yes, I did it. No, I did not do that. I know what I did. I call it what it was, and I take responsibility for my choice and the action and the consequences. Do you call what you do what it actually is? Or do you excuse, mitigate, deny? Do you call your thoughts and …
Our cars should not decide where we are going. Our vehicles should not be making our decisions. Our fallen existence is a turning outward from God, the Self of All. After the initial asmita in which the intellect assumes the role of the subject—though it will always be just the moon that thinks it is the sun—we continue moving outward …
There Is No Easy Path….
Recently, my friend Hasan Awan was reflecting on the subject of nonduality and the Direct Path as espoused by Rupert Spira. He asked me for my thoughts. Here they are. I had to do some research, as I had not previously heard of the Direct Path as a distinct teaching. According to Spira’s teacher Francis Lucille, the Direct Path is …
The Mystical Itinerary….
We can observe the mystical journey in the levels of spiritual practice and in the lives of the great mystics. If we are to take this journey, we have to start with a longing for God, for Love, for the Self of All, for the bottom line of existence. Where most of us start is a state of outward-turned inertia. …
Love of Life….
Love of life Despair Too out there / lost in externals Self-contained When we look at this Foursquare painting of the fourchotomy “Love of life”, we can see that we have choice. Where we direct our will is always vital. We all have despair, and we have to face it sooner or later. When we face it head …