Avian Samadhi….

RohiniReflections, Stories and Occasions, Uncategorized

The winter was brutally cold. Weeks on end below zero degrees Fahrenheit, with wind chill minus 20 to 30. Even when the sun came out, it was bitter cold and dangerous to go outside. Our acre garden spent the winter covered in snow. No hellebores blooming through February for us. A couple of years ago we began feeding the birds …

Becoming Human….

RohiniPracticing, Reflections, Uncategorized

Are you a sinner? No. Is your proxy a sinner? Yes. Being truly normal is being truly human. We are made in God’s image, and we should act it. Stop thinking of God as a selfish being. We believe that, since we are made in God’s image and we are selfish, then God is, too. But to act as God …

We hate ourselves….

RohiniPractice Points, Uncategorized

We hate ourselves; we see ourselves as bad. Codependency happens when we are drawn to people in whose presence we get to feel bad, small, and unworthy. We believe those people must be “good”, so we can be “good” only as long as, and as far as, they accept us. What we call “love” is the feeling of having an …

Guest Blog by Johannes Wagner: Three Weeks at Rohini’s….

RohiniGuest Blog, Uncategorized

I knew many things about Rohini’s house long before I arrived – voices, faces, stories, certain parts of rooms. To be honest, I expected it to be more austere or in another way strictly ruled, which very nicely displayed a misunderstanding of mine. As it turned out, the only disappointing thing was seeing how small I had made myself internally. …