stay in your head
go no where
travel among the
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Below you'll find a list of all posts that have been categorized as “Uncategorized”
stay in your head
go no where
travel among the
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Emotionally myopic / can’t see past your emotional state at the moment |
Have perspective on your emotions |
Emotionally able to feel |
Cold and uncaring / insensitive to others’ emotional states |
As we embark on the journey into 2022, Rohini reads her poem “anabasis” and leads a few minutes of silent reflection and meditation.
In reverence for the season, Rohini reads her poem “welcome,” and then leads a few minutes of quiet reflection and contemplation.
Situationally aware |
Oblivious |
You’re not the center |
It’s all about you |
games we play
as children
reveal God’s play
with us
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Weaponize self-absorption |
Participate helpfully |
Speak your truth to power |
Your voice has no power |
Rohini reads her poem “hide and seek” and leads a few minutes of silent reflection and meditation.