Stubbornly wrong….

RohiniFourchotomy, Uncategorized

Stubbornly wrong                                     Open to truth   Committed                                                Impressionable

The Seed Tool….

RohiniUncategorized, Video

Rohini takes us through how to use the seed tool. For more videos and lessons, sign up for a free or paid subscription.

Understanding Our Real Answers….

RohiniUncategorized, Video

Rohini answers a question pertaining to hearing the difference between our “sure” voice and our true voice. For more videos and lessons, sign up for a free or paid subscription.


RohiniUncategorized, Video

Rohini discusses the problem with repackaging. For more videos and lessons, sign up for a free or paid subscription.

Committed to Guilt….

RohiniUncategorized, Video

Rohini explains how confusing guilt with awareness undermines our practice. For more videos and lessons, sign up for a free or paid subscription.

Unconditional Love?….

RohiniUncategorized, Video

Rohini discusses the different aspects of unconditional love. For more videos and lessons, sign up for a free or paid subscription.

The Terrorist Within….

RohiniPower and Hate, Reflections, Uncategorized

The purpose of terrorism is to cause fear in people’s hearts and bring them to a place where they feel completely unsafe. Once a person, group or country is in this condition, they can be manipulated and overpowered. The sowers of discord then have control. Terrorists isolate their prey, destroy what is of value and attack at a basic level …