When I was growing up, gift-wrapping paper was not emphasized in my house. The present was what mattered; how it was packaged was of little import. Though presents were wrapped, the paper was quickly torn and thrown away. As I grew older, I learned to appreciate beautifully presented gifts. The packaging provided a certain excitement about what was to be …
The deeper we….
The deeper we go, the more space we have internally.
Team player….
Team player Prima donna Nonentity Fulfilled
What Do You Prize?….
Misery loves company. That saying is thrown around like a trite and empty truism. But if we actually look at this phrase, actually feel this phrase, the truth and the sadness of it becomes evident. Have you wondered why the phrase “Love loves company” does not have the same truth or reality? After so many years of peddling the removal …
Misery loves company….
Misery loves company. People are more interested in maintaining their connectedness through misery than in freeing themselves and being with God.
Self-sabbotaging Self-nurturing Team player Self-indulgent
The Straight and Deep….
Rohini demonstrates the way in. Please be aware that swear words are used for emphasis. For more videos and lessons, sign up for a free or paid subscription.
Reaching the Third Level….
The third level of practice, which is called śāmbavopāya (path of Śiva) in the tradition of Kashmir Śaivism, uses the will. All traditions teach this practice, in which we rest in the Heart by a well directed will. Obviously, this is not easy; it requires discipline and complete surrender to God, Self, the Absolute. Yoga Sūtras III.17 says that through …
Do you want….
Do you want power or God?
Sharp Intellect….
Sharp Intellect Dull Mean Gentle