Center of attention Nonentity Vilified /Disgraced publicly …
The Three-dimensional Foursquare….
We have been working with the foursquare tool for many years now. It evolved from dichotomies to foursquares a decade ago. Now it is evolving further to aid in our uncovering and dismantling of our system. In order to build a foursquare, we must start by depersonalizing and objectifying the issue. This is done by using qualities we all can …
We are definitely not….
We are definitely not at the mercy of the outside; it is always our choice. We can choose to react or to respond appropriately.
Crippled Healed Cared for Abandoned
Knowing the Road….
The reason I started down this path was that I had to. I knew that what I wanted to know was there, wherever “there” was. What did I want? Happiness and peace. Knowing the Truth, the bottom line of life, I knew would give me lasting peace and joy. Thus began my treasure hunt. From science back to my first …
Smother Let be Involved Neglect
The goal is not….
The goal is not to have supernormal experiences and an expanded idea of who I think I am. If that were the goal, then I could just take hallucinogens.
Give Up Good….
I’m a good person. I mean it. I’m a good person. That’s the problem. The Fall was the creation of the small self. The fruit that brings knowledge of good and evil signifies the ignorance from which we must liberate ourselves. The small self is not a good person. If you are a good person, then you are also a …
Good Evil Weak Powerful
We must give up….
We must give up the delusion that our attachment to goodness will bring us closer to God.