We have to starve….

RohiniPractice Points, Uncategorized

We have to starve the shrunken self, and redirect our attention away from it, in order for who we really are to be revealed by grace. The shrunken self will feel that this is only self-torture until we no longer identify with it. Until then, the one who is complicit and the criminal are one and the same: the shrunken …

Maya and the Five Kanchukas….

RohiniMaps and Principles, Reflections, Uncategorized

Nondualism can be a dangerous practice because it can encourage people not to take responsibility for their actions. But then when we turn to a dualistic sense purusha (individual self) and prakriti (matter), we separate ourselves from prakriti and see matter either as an enemy or as some horrible lesson to be learned. Prakriti then has nothing to do with …

So everything is God….

RohiniPractice Points, Uncategorized

So everything is God. But until we are willing to unmask the truth of any vibration we have by practicing being with our experience whatever it is, letting whatever comes up from that vibration come up and simultaneously functioning appropriately on the material plane, we will delude ourselves as to what that upsurge really is.

We seek to recreate….

RohiniPractice Points, Uncategorized

We seek to recreate in all our relationships whatever vibration we came to associate with “love” as children. To unmask the truth of the vibration, practice being with your experience whatever it is, letting whatever comes up from that vibration come up, and simultaneously functioning appropriately on the material plane.