Impulsivity and Restraint….

RohiniUncategorized, Video

Rohini walks her students through two fourchotomies related to the impulsivity that dominates the world today. For more videos and lessons, sign up for a free or paid subscription.

Every time we go into a container….

RohiniPractice Points, Uncategorized

Every time we go into a container, we are fodder for death. When we are no longer attached to any container, there is no death. To live as though already dead—something warriors and monks have in common—is to be free of any containers. When we no longer are attached to any container, we know who we are, because who we …

Resonating in particular….

RohiniPractice Points, Uncategorized

Resonating in particular is how we fool ourselves about connecting with ourselves and the world. In our wrong understanding, we resonate with others’ vibrations, believing we are connecting with those people. In fact, we are losing ourselves further in more and more objects.

Who Ya Talkin’ To….

RohiniUncategorized, Video

Rohini cautions how we have to be careful when we’re listening to our sure voice while meditating. For more videos and lessons, sign up for a free or paid subscription.