shaktipat is
Guru tour guide
Below you'll find a list of all posts that have been categorized as “Uncategorized”
Naïve and stupid (+) |
Chicken |
False consensus / everyone sees the world the same / refusing to see difference |
Conscious of danger |
Rohini reads her poem “orienteering” and shares her ink painting.
Reject |
Embrace |
Discriminating / selective |
Stuck with it all |
Rohini reads her poem “wrong passport” and shares her ink painting.
Don’t think for yourself (I don’t, and thank God—that’s why my life works) (+) |
Free thinkers who know better and are drunk on their own sense of agency / alarm bells ringing but don’t take guidance seriously |
Dependent |
I’m in charge of my life |
Rohini reads her poem “wallflower” and shares her ink painting.