Maya and the Five Kanchukas….

RohiniMaps and Principles, Reflections, Uncategorized

Nondualism can be a dangerous practice because it can encourage people not to take responsibility for their actions. But then when we turn to a dualistic sense purusha (individual self) and prakriti (matter), we separate ourselves from prakriti and see matter either as an enemy or as some horrible lesson to be learned. Prakriti then has nothing to do with …

Playing the Field….

RohiniGuru and Disciple, Reflections, Uncategorized

When we start on the path of sadhana, though we may understand that there is something greater than who we think we are, we tend to operate as if sadhana is just stretching and making bigger who we think we are. In that light, we believe that there is only one playing field, and that to be spiritually enlightened is …

Feeling This Loss….

RohiniReflections, Stories and Occasions, Uncategorized

Community is so important for all of us. We are a family made up of people who are wanting Love. This path we have all chosen is not always easy. But the truth is, the alternative is worse. We have to remember that we are in Purgatory, living out our past actions, and as we move forward consciously, we find …

Family Recipes….

RohiniPracticing, Reflections, Uncategorized

“Life will be easier if I don’t practice.” Why will it be easier? If we practice we will have to face what we have. But we don’t want to face reality. We are driving a 1950 Buick, thinking we are at the wheel of a Porsche. Accepting reality begins with accepting our environment and our vehicles for what they actually …