Understanding Grace and Right Effort….

RohiniReflections, Uncategorized

Baba used to say that the bird of paradise has two wings, Grace and self-effort. First, we need the right self-effort to earn Grace. And then, if we fail to continue the right effort, we will squander that Grace. Right effort ultimately means resting the will in the Heart. This may sound easy, but it is extremely difficult. The Heart …

Humoring Our Humorlessness….

RohiniReflections, Uncategorized

Humor is so necessary for spiritual practice. In order to have humor—genuine humor, not caustic wit—we have to be disentangled. We have to be able to laugh at ourselves, not just in a superficial way but from the depths of our being. When we have no sense of humor, we demonstrate that we are attached to and identified with the …

Making the Choice….

RohiniReflections, Uncategorized

Each of us is a microcosm of the world as it is. Only when we recognize and accept this reality can we move forward in our practice. But we can’t just change; we have to be conscious and take responsibility for our transformation. Human beings have choice, and we do choose. Over the past year, I have seen a divide—in …

Consciously Deeper….

RohiniReflections, Uncategorized

In this past Saturday’s Lessons and Questions, I read aloud a passage from Devatma Shakti by Swami Vishnu Tirtha in which he lays out two ways of using the mind when addressing a problem: In the first case it grapples with a problem, sticks to it and follows the details by steps in logical sequence, and finds the conclusion, but …

Willing To Feel….

RohiniReflections, Uncategorized

We cannot read a situation clearly unless we can feel. But we have to know what feeling actually is. If we are truly feeling, there are no thought forms. Otherwise we only think we are feeling. Then we can fool ourselves into thinking we are feeling people. People mistake, by choice, what it means to be with their experience. They …