Deny experience |
Feel and communicate experience |
Think you are in control |
Perceived as being in a bad place |
Loving community (+)
Loving community (+) |
Weird, harsh, and scary community |
Community built on lies |
Community built on truth |
Slavedriver |
At ease / still |
Create / build / always active |
Static |
Anger is criminal
Anger is criminal |
Anger is a normal vibration and not to be judged |
Never experience anger |
Experience anger all the time |
There are no victims
There are no victims |
Everyone is a victim |
Willfully blind to others’ injuries |
Everyone is defined by their injuries |
Surrender to life
Surrender to life |
You work to control your life |
Things don’t go the way you want |
You direct your path through life |
We’re all broken
We’re all broken |
We’re all responsible / no one is off the hook |
Nonjudgmental |
Pointing fingers |
Irritated with the world
Irritated with the world |
At peace with the world |
In relationship / engaged with the world |
Not a participant in the world |
Beleaguered |
Free and unbothered |
Encouraged to turn inward |
Not in relationship with the world |
Seeking harmony on a deeper level / caring for the greater good
Seeking harmony on a deeper level / caring for the greater good |
Seeking conflict / no relationship / no Love |
Pleaser / never make waves / serving / no place for own voice / following the script |
Speaking up / courageous / standing your ground / fighting for your happiness |