Wherever there is pain….

RohiniPractice Points

Wherever there is pain and disaster, it is our pain and disaster. Our job may not be to go and physically help; we may not have the skill set to do that. Our job is not to use disaster as a conversation topic to show our “compassion”. Our job is twofold. First, we are to donate money and time (if …

The irony is….

RohiniPractice Points

The irony is that we go outside ourselves to find freedom, only to become limited and contracted. We believe we are expanding when we are outward turned. The truth is freedom and expansion come to us only when we turn within and find that still point.  How full we are then, how free, how joyous. Why do we continue to …

The tendency in spiritual practice….

RohiniPractice Points

The tendency in spiritual practice is to be attached to the “good” qualities and repulsed by the “bad” qualities. Our job is to be non-attached to all qualities. They are relative and temporal, not who we are but how we are. We practice to learn to use our qualities and not be used by them. Remember, we are the perceiver, …

In order to win….

RohiniPractice Points

In order to win we must surrender to God. We believe we have control and free will, but in truth our free will is our ability to  choose to do it God’s way, to merge with God’s will. How do we do this? By letting go of all that is not eternal and then surrendering to the eternal, God. We …

Who says we need….

RohiniPractice Points

Who says we need to be stressed to have a holiday? Stress is pressure plus excitement or anxiety. So remove the pressure by backing off and disentangling from what we are attached to, still the vibration that is left and let the joy arise.

If we are responsible for All, then….

RohiniPractice Points

If we are responsible for All, then we are responsible for All. For example, if I like the experience of disappointment, (and I know this because I experience disappointment a good deal of the time) then I have to have people in my world that are “disappointing me”. If no one is around, I can always disappoint myself!As we practice, …