We have to choose not to choose Hell.
We have to renounce….
We have to renounce to get freedom.
Vigilance does not mean….
Vigilance does not mean being fearful or anxious or worried. Vigilance means being conscious and aware.
We are not magicians….
We are not magicians. Transform what you actually can: you.
Don’t be an experience junkie….
Don’t be an experience junkie. Like anything else, they come and go. Experiences mean only that you are having experiences. God is not an experience. God is.
Our job is not….
Our job is not to fight our small self. Our job is to redirect our attention to the true Self.
Stress is not….
Stress is not heroic.
The lower self looks….
The lower self looks for someone else to love it for its own special individuality. That shrunken love will never satisfy us. We will remain lonely and miserable until we give up substituting drama for Love.
Take the drama out….
Take the drama out of the Drama. Then the lower self is no longer special. Our lower selves believe they are so special that their dramas trump everything else, and must be maintained at all costs. And they prefer this to substance and Love. Homework: choose one incident, person, environment, or other experience that occasions a drama for you, and …
Yogas chitta-vritti-nirodhah….
Yogas chitta-vritti-nirodhah. Yoga is the inhibition of the vibrations of the field of consciousness. Yoga Sutra 1.2. This is stilling everything all the way back to the beginning of manifestation. We have to disentangle out of our vehicles and still all vibrations, not just thoughts. Restrain. Control. Master. Transcend.