Having a “good talk” may soothe your small self, but it solves nothing. The real work must happen inwardly, in silence.
The greatest worship is….
The greatest worship is silence.
Each of us is so sure….
Each of us is so sure that our small self sees the world the way it really is, and we all use reason to confirm our view. When the small self is sure, look out.
If something is very complicated….
If something is very complicated, that does not mean it is deep or even intelligent. Beware of overdifferentiation. In the same way, if something is simple, that does not mean it is superficial. Watch out for what really matters. Deep is deep and superficial is superficial. It is that simple!
Baba’s Birthday….
Baba’s Birthday. I bow to my Guru. I love my Guru with all my heart. May I always obey my Guru.
People should not be….
People should not be projects.
Do not forget the goal….
Do not forget the goal is to be who we really are. When we remember this, it is not so painful giving up everything we are not.
Only in the Absolute….
Only in the Absolute are we all equal.
Holding on takes so much….
Holding on takes so much effort, and we are actually holding on to a mirage
Sexual pleasure is….
Sexual pleasure is the small self’s version of Enlightenment. Nothing wrong with lovemaking; just don’t make it something it’s not.