Use the heat to still.
We have to get used to joy….
We have to get used to joy. The most uncomfortable experience for the small self is joy and true love. So practice and watch your small self squirm. Once we get used to joy the small self dissolves back into the ocean.
Guru Purnima, the Guru’s full moon….
Guru Purnima, the Guru’s full moon is tonight. Swami Muktananda was/ is a true Guru. He saved my life and I owe everything. The Guru shows us the way back to ourSelves. He hears what is best for us, even while we are still listening to our small self. The Guru teaches us how to listen to our true Self. …
The real world to the….
The real world to the small self is whatever it decides the world is. That real world is different for each of us. And that difference itself is a clue that our “real world” is not Real.
We seek independence….
We seek independence in order to be free. Our wrong understanding, our shrunken knowledge, imprisons us. Even intellectual knowledge with no grounding binds us. True Knowledge is Being not knowing. Be careful what you grab onto, thinking it will free you when in fact you may be locking yourself in.
I am not a cheerleader….
I am not a cheerleader for the small self. Do not be one either. Return Home and be free.
New Age affirmations will not….
New Age affirmations will not bring you true joy. Because they confuse the Absolute and the relative, they only promote a happy small self. Affirming the small self does not bring us closer to God.
We fight all the time….
We fight all the time. Torment is a form of fighting. It is fighting against the acceptance of Reality.
Let go of all your assessments….
Let go of all your assessments. Let go of assessing. Unless you are resting in the Self, your small self will do the assessing and will usually be wrong.
Small self believes it….
Small self believes it creates, sustains, and worships God. Small self believes God is contained in small self’s own limitless limitedness.