One of the greatest misconceptions about spiritual practice is that it is selfish. Unfortunately, the world is full of pseudo-spiritual “paths” that really are nothing but self-indulgence. Real practice is the opposite. When we actually do it, the world changes on a deep and subtle level. It’s hard to fathom this. Few people want to grasp that by turning inward …
We can only take appropriate action….
We can only take appropriate action outwardly if we have realigned ourselves with God inwardly. We cannot come from some self-deceiving place called “our truth”; we have to throw our idealistic notions into the fire of Truth.
Surreptitious/ Sneaky Transparent/ Up front Discreet Brazen
Recovering Our Agency….
“The world is a mess. We are a mess. This is just the way it is. There is nothing we can do. It hurts, but there is nothing that can be done”. All of these are normal statements and concerns expressed everywhere, by all sorts of people. Yet for most of us, “concern” will be as far as we go. …
If each of us stopped….
If each of us stopped reacting and resonating, and instead began responding from the Heart, the world would appear to shift. In fact, we would be seeing for the first time openings for Love that have always been there.
Resonating Self-contained Connected Disconnected
Approaching the World….
No matter who we are, there are only four possible ways we can engage with the world: reacting, resonating, responding, and empathizing. Where we choose to land on this spectrum of action determines our degree of agency, and therefore our humanity. If I were to write nothing more than reactions to life, I would be showing you that I was …
Being sensitive and compassionate….
Being sensitive and compassionate does not mean resonating with someone else’s vibration. Only from stillness can we be compassionate.
Never good enough….
Never good enough Perfect Learner/ Striving/ Growing Nothing to be done/ Dead/ Pointless
For many years I have used the story of Hansel and Gretel with the breadcrumbs as an example of how we go Home. For us, the breadcrumbs are still there. We can follow them back to who we really are. The last few weeks my work has been focusing on the self-hate we all have. We have seen that our …