You Are Perfect Just the Way You Are….

RohiniPracticing, Reflections, Uncategorized

You are perfect just the way you are. So, be where you are and accept it. That is the practice. Boring in toward the Heart does not mean you will feel good. It means you are heading in the right direction toward Home, where all vibration is stilled, and Love is.

In order to get there, we have to stop the fight. We have to know where we are at any given moment. We have to know we are in the swamp. If we are looking over toward the light, we are not accepting where we are. If we actually accept that we are perfect just the way we are, then we are moving toward no longer being identified with a particular experience. We then know the experience is a knowable and is not us. We are no longer looking for pleasure or pain. All is the same. We are perfect just the way we are— miserable, happy, sad, angry, whatever.

None of these attributes is who we are. “I am in truth not my foursquare, I am wherever I am and okay. Perfect the way I am. So stop telling me to be nice or something else you want me to be, because I am perfect the way I am, and so are you.” We can then not like the way someone does something and we can leave. We do not have to like the way someone is. However, we need to accept the way someone is.

You are perfect the way you are. I now can choose not to play with you, as you can choose not to play with me. That is okay. You are perfect just the way you are. You resist learning in my class. That is okay. Then you will no longer have to be in my class. Your choice, you are perfect the way you are. I am giving you what you want.

Let whatever comes up come up. This means we are not running from our experience. We are letting what comes up be where and what it is. That is what being with our experience is. And then we are able to function appropriately on the physical plane. We hear all that comes up. “I hate that person. I am angry with that person.”  Let whatever comes up come up. Be with it. You are perfect just the way you are. But then we need to be appropriate. Do not share it all; do not dump it. We can open our mouths and say whatever there is, but if it is inappropriate the next thing out of our mouths had better be “I am so sorry. Look what just came out of my mouth. It is hurtful, sorry.”

Functioning appropriately on the physical plane is the hard part of this process. If you say whatever comes up, then do not expect everyone to put up with you and take it. They can say you are perfect just the way you are. I am also perfect the way I am. So I now choose not to participate in your play. I withdraw happily. “It is not nice to withdraw.” “I am okay with it. I am not nice; you already said that. Now I confirm it. No excuses. I am willing to be where I am”. Don’t just say, “That is my small self”. No, it is you. It is where you are, and it is okay. Let yourself be where you are. Just accept it. “But I do not like that experience”. No, stop the fight. Be with it. Accept it. You are perfect just the way you are. Do not run.

Do not pretend to be somewhere other than where you are. That is what others are saying when they use the phrase: perfect the way you are. They do not mean it on the level of living; they mean it only on the level of the abstract. So we cannot really be ourselves and go through what we need to.   We are not personal, we are abstracts, so we never really can connect in the best sense of the word. We have to remain superficial because we cannot accept that where we are is okay, is perfect. If we remain as an intellectual idea we are then “All perfect just the way we are.” Reality will never touch us or our relations with others.

We end up being the only people with problems, because we cannot empathize with anyone. If I can be where I am truly and accept it, then I can understand where you are and accept where you are. If I am all about me, then I am not accepting. I am wallowing and complaining. I am then not perfect the way I am because I am not happy with where I am. But if I can accept it as no big deal, this is what I have today, then I am perfect the way I am.

I am perfect just the way I am and so are you. Accept it. So wherever I am, I am going to feel it. I am perfect feeling misery, sadness, anger, happiness, hurt, agitation. I am going to bore in. I am going to be with it. I am perfect. The perfection does not change, the experience changes. The experience is not us, experience is a vibration. When we accept ourselves for where we are in the moment, no excuses, no complaints, the experience changes and the vibrations still. I have not changed, my experience has. We then have distance from something that is not us. This distance comes from accepting all the knowables. Vibrations are knowables. Experiences are knowables, not who we are, just possibly how we are. I am okay with what I have. I am perfect just the way I am. And so are you.

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