There is a difference….

RohiniMaps and Principles, Reflections, Uncategorized

There is a difference between being human and being a personality. As a human we use our personality to express our humanness. As a personality we hide our humanness and manifest our limited shrunken small selves as if they is who we really are. We manifest limited characters in a play with set scripts, set actions and no creativity. We do not have the ability to see clearly or to see the whole picture. Our decision-making is completely based on how our personality sees, its motivations and its survival. An example is when we change jobs thinking things will be better only to find ourselves in a similar situation with just different players who actually have the same scripts as the last place we worked. As long as we remain individuals we never go beyond limited reality; we never go beyond our shrunken selves. We never connect, and I mean truly connect, with another human being. We remain locked in the prison we created so long ago, believing that this is just the way it is.

Families tend to be groups of personalities, not humans. As children we end up harmonizing with the personalities around us. This can be done either by fitting into the vibration of the family or fighting the vibration of the family, depending on our karma and what we have to learn. Either way, we are attached and manipulated by the vibrations. Usually we want to fit in, so we take on the vibration of our first group, our family. We actually were supposed to learn how to be true to ourselves even in that environment, but we assume that our family loves us, and love is the source of all, so the vibration our family has must be love. We willingly choose to be shrunken individuals. And our connectedness is small self to small self. We bring our understanding into every aspect of our lives.

We talk about someone who is professional and appreciate the way they work. They are efficient. They get the job done. The only complaint is they may be not fun or that they are impersonal.  Then, however, we have the unprofessional, the worker who is always a personality. This person presents their personality as more important than the work; whatever that may be. We find that when we are dealing with the unprofessional we have to deal with the personality and not just a person doing the job. We may have to be careful how we word requests because otherwise the person will react and not do their job. Personality should not undermine our job; we should be serving the situation. When we are professionals, personality does not overshadow the job.

Do you hide your humanness? Do you present as being just your personality? When your small self is sincere and strong do you believe that that is your essential self?

Being human is having a personality not being controlled by it. We are less than who we are when we are just our personality. Who we really are enlivens the personality. Who we are informs our personality. Our personality is a vehicle we use; we should not be used by it. How many times have we found ourselves manipulated in situations because of our personality? We are not in charge, it is. Our practice is to see our vehicles for what they really are which is not us. They are here to help us both function and play on the physical plane. We are here to play the game of returning home. Thinking and living as if we are our personality deludes us to remain stuck in wrong understanding. As we disentangle and see we are the Perceiver not the perceived we no longer hide our humanness; we no longer hide behind our personality. We learn to rest in and be who we really are and then inform our vehicles so that our expression is pure love rather than the twisted love that comes from the thinking that we are personality. So go forth and keep removing wrong understanding, so that we shine through as truly human and our personality is there to support that.





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