Diving into Sādhana….

RohiniReflections, Uncategorized

Some people approach sādhana with a dualistic map. Some people approach with a nondualistic map. What is important is right effort—approaching with right effort. God created us and this world in Love; our misery is because of our wrong understanding. Our wrong identification with vehicles like our bodies, mind, emotions, thoughts. The more we differentiate in our identification, the further …

The Rotten Root of Hate and the Route Out….

RohiniPower and Hate, Reflections, Uncategorized

God is Love. Love is our True nature. If we want to be autonomous, we must reject God, and therefore reject Love. So we twist Love into hate, and call ourselves individuals in our own right. But the small self, the shrunken self, is a prison, and we “know” that and hate it. We all have the memory of who …


RohiniMaps and Principles, Reflections, Uncategorized

There’s so much talk about Grace. Born again, Pentecost, Yoga, New Age, from every corner we hear this word used. What is Grace? For me, Grace is knowing who I really am. Knowing through Being is what Grace gives us. Many people believe that Grace is having the bells and whistles; the lights, sounds, feelings, smells, and even tastes that …