Stop Repackaging the Practice….

RohiniPracticing, Reflections, Uncategorized

Be with your experience. This does not mean “in it”. This means “let it happen”. Always did. When I first wrote down the practice Baba taught me in A Spiritual Survival Kit, it was 1992. The truth is the truth and it has not changed. Be with your experience, whatever it is. This is so important. We are not to pretend something else; we are not to deny our experience. There is no need to judge your vibration. It is what it is and the only way to freedom is to accept that experience.

Let whatever comes up come up. Emotions come up as vibrations from the Heart. They are not who we are; emotions are enlivened by us. We should be with them – not attach –and let them subside into stillness. Instead we tend to attach letters to them, identify with them, judge them, and let them make the rest of our vehicles vibrate. We value them. Then we are lost in them. Because we enliven a vehicle, if we have not transcended it we are attached to it and then consciousness thinks we are it. We are then deluded and we believe we are what we enliven. Emotions are enlivened by us; that is the truth.

Wrong understanding is that the emotions come up within us as us. The belief is that if they come up within us, they are part of us. They are us. We then decide which emotions are acceptable and which are not. We decide whether we are good or not. We are then lost. Another wrong understanding is that emotions are caused by outside forces. First, emotions are outside who we are in truth. Second, the most the outside does is serve as a trigger for our emotions. If we are clear, then when the trigger occurs we will not vibrate the emotion.

Function appropriately on the physical plane. This means for us to act with integrity, without causing trouble inappropriately. We are serving the situation and truth in a manner that creates harmony rather than disruption. Don’t splatter on anyone. Don’t scream at people inappropriately, verbally or non-verbally. Don’t vibe. If we are vibing, we are not practicing. Don’t stifle it, bury it, or package it. Hold on to nothing. Accept and let pass. None of it is us. So relax and let go.

There is not a fourth step! Yet most people automatically add and repackage the practice with a fourth step. This step, which should not be there, is packaging, abstracting, figuring out, rationalizing, processing, finding causes, and mitigating.

Please stop defending your small self. We go nowhere when we pursue this fourth step. A decision is not the solution. We cannot decide our way to God. The small self as the decider will make sure it is the center of attention so we do not ever resolve anything. We leave practice completely when we move to this action of the small self. The decider will decide the wrong action. If we package or figure out we are vibing. Here, the decider is the Absolute in our minds. It is definitive, loud, solid, direct, sure, and WRONG.

The small self needs to be receptive in order to surrender—to merge with God. The small self has to become fluid, and that happens when we are willing to be with our experience, let whatever comes up come up, and function efficiently on the physical plane. When you honestly just be and do not repackage the practice into something your small self wants you to do in order to keep it alive, then you are actually practicing, and there is no place or corner for the individual to mislead you from our goal of returning home to GOD.













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