non fiction…

RohiniPoetry, Reflections, Uncategorized

                                parasites          trans            form

                                       into             stone


                                 proving               they        are

                                      not              who         they


                                    showing          they        are

                                            them                  selves

                                        in                    dependent

                                     and                        free

                                       only            to         gasp

                                                and           grab

                                            a             gain

                                                a              hold

                                            to breathe         and

                                               suck            the

                                           bottle           to

                                      use              the                host

                                only         to rebel                    then

                                                     to stone

                                           can’t              sustain

                                                      either            untenable

                                                for                ever

                                         let               go

                                                  fall           into


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