Love of Life….

RohiniReflections, Uncategorized


Love of life Despair
Too out there / lost in externals Self-contained


When we look at this Foursquare painting of the fourchotomy “Love of life”, we can see that we have choice. Where we direct our will is always vital.

We all have despair, and we have to face it sooner or later. When we face it head on, the light of consciousness shines and dissolves our pain. People who want to remain unconscious of their despair believe the teacher is dragging them into conscious pain. But that is the only way to freedom and Love; we have to have the courage to willingly feel the despair into oblivion, and wake up to being self-contained.

If we conflate Love of life with “too out there”, we willingly flow out into the world and sense pleasure; we believe we are expressing our love of life when in fact we are lost in externals. Only when we turn inward toward the Heart and truly question ourselves can we discern what real Love of life is. This means redirecting our will.

The scriptures of every tradition reveal for us the path our will is to take. And the models within the scriptural stories show us where that path takes us. Those Great Beings free themselves from the despair of being lost in externals, and instead embrace true Love of life and self-containment.

We are to own each of the four qualities in the fourchotomy, and accept we have them so that we can then master them. Then we can transcend them all and be truly free.

We are celebrating the arrival of Love, peace, and freedom. We should celebrate by stilling the vibrations of each of these four qualities and resting in the Heart. Once we do that, Love will shine through our stillness.


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