Honoring Baba on His Birthday….

RohiniGuru and Disciple, Reflections, Uncategorized

O Rohini, give up seeking attention. You are dust under the feet of your Guru, Swami Muktananda. You are so lucky to be the dust at the Guru’s feet. How many lifetimes did you work to finally get here?

Baba, you show me how and where to go; you illumine the way and guide me to you. I bow to your divine nature.

Like a dog following his nose I wander here and there. You pull me back from the mirage of pleasure. You take me to Love, the Source of All.

From our standpoint, that of the small self, we are separate. From your standpoint, we are the same. One.

From the standpoint of the individual the world is dual. From the standpoint of the Self it is One.

Nonduality only happens after we give up the small self; otherwise, we remain in duality.

Until I give up my nature I will not be God’s Nature.

When the individual believes it is nondual, it is narcissistic. Only the Self is nondual.

We are limited when we lose ourselves in the wrong direction, outward instead of inward.

Baba, you model Love. We look to you, and you are always looking to your Baba and to God. That is the true Love.

Baba, I came to you to find the bottom line of existence. You reveal it. With your guidance, I have worked to free myself from all that hinders living at that bottom line, that ground of Being.

Baba, you have helped me see deeply into myself. You have shown me that my clues will not be as my character, my small self, expects. My clues will throw me around and break things apart that need to be opened. I thank you, Baba, for doing that every day.

You knew me long before I did, and yet you did not run as I had been running from me.

Around you, surrender is a cherished action that brings Bliss.

You crush me out of Love, and because of you I see it is not me you crush, but all I thought was me.

Only when I come to Consciousness do you have time for me. You always guide me to the Truth by the very way you act toward me.

Baba, you pay me no attention when I am lost in my small self. Why waste your time?

Whenever I feel lost, you not only show me the way back to God; you also show that I have never left. You show me that all separateness is illusion.

You love to play. Until you unlocked the cell of my own making I was imprisoned in my small self and could not play.

How many times I have wished you would save me, but out of Love you did not because you knew what I needed to go through.

Baba, you pay attention to Me. You use every weapon to disentangle the attention-seeking small self from Me, so I can see the Truth. You do not coddle.

Buktimukti. Baba, the Bliss of the world and the Bliss of liberation: that is what you want for me and for each of us.

Because you embody the Truth, you live the Truth and you share the Truth by everything you say and do. There is never a moment when you do not shine the light of God.

Thank you for allowing me to be the dust under your feet as you walk in Sahaj Samādhi, walking Bliss.

Jai Gurudev.

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