Stilling an Upset….

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Rohini explains how to work with being upset–how to be with the experience in the right way and allow it to still. For more videos and lessons, sign up for a free or paid subscription.

What We Do in Meditation….

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Rohini explains how meditation is a concentrated form of spiritual practice, and what it means to be with your experience in meditation. For more videos and lessons, sign up for a free or paid subscription.

Getting into the Heart….

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Rohini explains how to get out of our heads and into the Heart, and the importance of knowing the difference between the two. For more videos and lessons, sign up for a free or paid subscription.


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Rohini explains how to achieve the inner stillness at the heart of spiritual practice. For more videos and lessons, sign up for a free or paid subscription.

Really Being Positive….

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Rohini explains how really being positive means honestly accepting and affirming what is, not denying or running from it. For more videos and lessons, sign up for a free or paid subscription.

On De-escalation….

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Rohini talks about the importance of confronting obstacles if we want to de-escalate and move towards resolution. For more videos and lessons, sign up for a free or paid subscription.

Notion Building….

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Rohini explains how spiritual practice requires us to be truly positive by being with our experience honestly. We are not to engage in “notion building”. When we notion-build, we unfortunately promote our wrong understanding, which we think of as the “way to be”. For more videos and lessons, sign up for a free or paid subscription.

Giving Up Goodness….

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Rohini explains how our attachment to our idea of “goodness” blocks us on the spiritual path. For more videos and lessons, sign up for a free or paid subscription.

Removing Obstacles….

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Rohini explains the various obstacles we place in the way of our own spiritual practice, and how to let go of them. For more videos and lessons, sign up for a free or paid subscription.