Rohini reads aloud her poem “Cruel Pleasure,” which is about how people committed to their narratives project their idea of normal onto the world, and make cruel decisions based on that system.
No Love….
Rohini reads her poem, “No Love,” which is about how delusion always ends in its own destruction, and Love, which is God’s nature, always prevails.
Surrendering to Win….
Rohini reads her poem “Surrendering to Win,” which is about how a true warrior’s ability to dissolve and resolve conflict arises from nonattachment.
Best Features….
Rohini invites her students to share their ideas about their best qualities, and creates fourchotomies around those traits so the students can own, master, and transcend them.
Rohini reads her poem “Performance” which speaks to individuality and Love that dissolves it.
Don’t Go Viral….
Drawing on Yoga Sūtras 4.3, Rohini explains how, though external causes may seem to drive our reactions, in truth they only create openings for tendencies within us to come out, and we can immunize ourselves through owning those tendencies and achieving nonattachment.
Muktananda’s Gift….
On the anniversary of Baba’s mahasamadhi, Rohini reads her poem “Muktananda’s Gift,” which is dedicated to her Guru.
Grace and Effort….
Rohini discusses the nature and importance of Kundalini, and the necessity of both self effort and Grace.
What’s Your Treasure?
Rohini reads and discusses her poem “Cruel Pleasure,” which speaks to the choice between Love and one’s “normal” way of operating, which is about power and control.
Rohini reads her short poem titled “Dissolution,” which recounts her Guru’s grace.