Using the Intellect Appropriately

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Answering a student’s question, Rohini explains how the intellect leads us into delusion if we identify with it, and clarifies how it is to be used as the instrument it is, not who we truly are.

Straw Dog

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Rohini reads her poem “straw dog,” which strips away the delusion that our separate, individual selves are Real.

Levels of Experience

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Starting with her poem “against the grain,” Rohini explains six ways in which we might respond to experiences deeper than our ordinary. In each case, we believe we see all there is to see; in only one case are we correct, and in only two are we actually practicing sadhana.

Wed to the Intellect

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Starting with her poem “Irresolute”, Rohini shares how a wrong identification with our intellect, in which we use it as a deflector or filter to protect the shrunken self from what we take in, makes us incapable of learning from our experience or growing into Love, freedom, and our true nature.

Baba’s Mahasamadhi 2020

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In honor of the 38th anniversary of her Guru Swami Muktananda’s mahasamadhi, Rohini reads her devotional poem to Baba and leads a short meditation.

Magical Life, Magical Sadhana

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Rohini explains how and why so many people who think of themselves as undertaking spiritual practice (sadhana) actually don’t want to change. Instead, they want the Guru to magically transform the world around them to accommodate who they think they are, so they don’t have to do the actual work of inner transformation that lies at the the heart of real sadhana.

Dueling Nondual

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Rohini explains how our wrong identification with our intellects contributes to our inability to connect with the groundwater of reality we share, and ultimately with each other. She clarifies how nondualism articulates this perfectly.

Mind and Meditation

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Rohini draws on one of her poems and Swami Vishnu Tirtha’s Devatma Shakti to discuss the nature of the mind, clarifying how it is not who we truly are but merely a vehicle for the Self. She then answers questions about the right attitude toward shakti and how to approach meditation as a way of deepening one’s spiritual practice.

Right Effort All the Time

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Rohini clarifies how spiritual practice does not unfold in a sequence of steps, but that all three of its aspects–being with your experience, whatever it is; letting whatever comes up from that experience come up; and functioning appropriately on the physical plane–are in fact simultaneous, and independent of the intellect and its processing activity.

Gurupurnima 2020

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For Gurupurnima, Rohini reads three of her poems before reflecting on her Guru, Swami Muktananda, and on the importance of the Guru as person and as principle.