Run from Spiritual Practice….

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Rohini discusses how people often run away from true spiritual practice, either because they believe it means putting up with abuse in the name of unconditional love or because they are sure that their humanity lies in their individuality, and cannot accept that Love ultimately dissolves our attachment to individuality.

The Guru Is Still the Means

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Rohini revisits how some people believe that following a “recipe” will give them success and happiness. Others fear Love because they see it as messy, or threatening to their sense of self. Both of these beliefs close off the path to Love, because they reject the Guru, the Grace-bestowing power of God. For more videos and lessons, sign up for …

Siren Song of Numbness

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Rohini discusses how people numb themselves inwardly because they believe that not feeling means being in control and powerful, when, in reality, they are choosing death over life. She then explains how to recognize this choice when we make it, and what to do about it.


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Rohini discusses true wisdom as living from a place of depth in order to know the underlying truth, and explains the difference between insight and transformation. For more videos and lessons, sign up for a free or paid subscription.

From Connecting Dots to Artistic Composition….

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Rohini explains how we need to look past surface indicators to gain a deeper understanding of any situation. She relates this to how an artist who is grounded in this deeper understanding is able to see from a different perspective and can then produce true artistic composition.

the pride….

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Rohini reads her poem “the pride,” which communicates how both personal and collective pride, in all its forms, keeps us from facing the facts about ourselves and others and living from the place of Love.

Weathering the Storm….

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Rohini takes her students through the process of stilling all our vehicles – body, mind, emotions and vibrations – in order to rest in the Heart.

I Know Who I Am….

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After reading her poem titled “Centric,” Rohini explains how Grace is crucial to getting beyond a merely intellectual understanding of the Self and to actual experience of the Self, which is where spiritual practice begins.

The Truth Prevails….

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Rohini tells the story of when she received a powerful experience from her Guru Swami Muktananda in 1979, and relates a story Baba told her at the time as a way of teaching her how the world works, and how Truth works in the world.

Cruel Pleasure….

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Rohini reads aloud her poem “Cruel Pleasure,” which is about how people committed to their narratives project their idea of normal onto the world, and make cruel decisions based on that system.