This is the first in a three-part series on Karma.
In Honor of Baba . . .
On the 39th solar punyatithi of her Guru, Swami Muktananda, Rohini reads a poem in his honor and leads several minutes of silent meditation and reflection.
Rohini reads her poem “curative” and shares a few minutes of silent meditation.
Lies on the Path…
Rohini reads her poem “lies on the path” and leads a short period of quiet reflection.
Ode and Reflection
Rohini reads her poem “ode to the creepy ass guru” and then leads a short period of meditation and reflection.
Rohini reads her poem “lineage” and then leads a short period of meditation and reflection.
Where is who
Rohini reads her poem “where is who” and shares a brief period of silent reflection.
Rohini reads her poem “appetite….” before leading a few minutes of silent meditation and reflection.
Rohini reads her poem “prefixation” and then leads a brief period of
i in team
After reading her poem “i in team”, Rohini leads a brief period of meditation and reflection.