For Those Struggling to Breathe

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Rohini reads her poem “consequences,” and then shares a few minutes of silent meditation and reflection, so we can inwardly be with and support those around the world struggling to breathe, whatever the reason.

The Silence

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After reading her poem “re-cognize,” Rohini shares a story about a powerful experience of re-cognition shared by two Jewish mystics.

Zen Stories

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After a reading, Rohini works with three students on burning up and resolving a vibration connected with the fourchotomy of “bitter.” She then shares two instructive Zen stories.

The Prescription

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After reading her poem “The Prescription,” Rohini leads a short meditation in which we can be with our experience, whatever it is, and still our underlying vibrations.

Rubber Duckie 2021

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Rohini uses rubber duckies to explain the abiding substrate of consciousness that undergirds all the modifications of the mind. If we identify with the modifications of the mind, we are lost. If we still all modifications, our minds can serve as clear mirrors reflecting the light of the Self, which then can be revealed as our true nature. Rohini’s talk elucidates Vyasa’s commentary on Yoga Sutras 1.32.

Choose to Be Love

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After reading her poem “banquet,” Rohini explains how we must never conflate humiliation with humility, or getting and giving love with Being Love–the Love that is our true nature.